pp108 : Assigning Tasks to Users

Assigning Tasks to Users

This topic explains the procedure to assign tasks to users.

Before you begin this task:

Tasks refer to the independent activities performed by a user. By assigning tasks to users, you can prescribe the set of tasks or activities that a user can perform on Process Platform. You can assign tasks to users in multiple forms as described below:

Go to CUSP > My Applications, click (User Manager) and select Users - Tasks View in the User Manager window.

  • To assign a single task to a single user, follow the below steps:
  1. Select a user in the Users pane.
  2. Select a task in the Tasks pane.
  3. Right click the task and click Assign to Selected User(s).
  • To assign multiple tasks to a single user, follow the below steps:
  1. Select a user in the Users pane.
  2. Select multiple tasks in the Tasks pane, right click them and click Assign to Selected User(s).
    This assigns the required task(s) to the selected user(s).
  • A task may involve multiple sub-tasks or sub-activities to complete an activity. In case of such tasks, you are prompted with the list of sub-tasks in Configure TaskParts dialog box. Select the sub-tasks you intend to associate with the user and click OK.
  • If you wish to edit the sub-task assignment for a user, right-click the task and select Configure option through which you can change your selection of sub-task .
  • Sub-tasks are also referred as Task Parts.


  • You can assign task(s) to user(s) by dragging the selected task(s) in the Tasks pane and dropping them on to the selected user(s) in the Users pane.
  • You can select multiple tasks by holding down the CTRL key.

Note: Refer to Revoking Tasks from Users to remove the assignment of tasks from users.

Related tasks

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Assigning Teams to Users
Assigning Sub-Roles
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Revoking Tasks From Users